Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Enlightenment of a Previous Blogger

I guess everyone has blogged in some form or fashion, and then, everyone has their first blog. Is it spectacular? Is it amazing? Generally it is not.

This isn't my first rodeo, I've been blogging for a good..say, 10 years off and on with Livejournal, but I needed something/somewhere different. I need to write for people that don't know me, so they can get to know me through my words, instead of knowing who I am, what I look like, what I do for a living, etc.

I'm a horrible speller, thank heavens for "Spell Check", but have been told many a time, that people love to read my writing. Am I a writer? No. Do I dream of having books that people love to hold in their hands, bending the pages as the become engrossed into my words? Oh yeah, big time. Has it ever happened? Well, fondling a monitor isn't the norm, so I'm going to say the answer to that is an astounding no.

I am tall, I am tall for a girl, but not that tall. I guess 5'9" is out of the norm, so I am potential bait for reaching on the top shelf at the grocery store for that box of Rice-a-Roni for the elderly lady in the electric cart. I don't mind, I never mind.

People say I have piercing green eyes, that help bring out my jet black hair. People never believe my age, which I guess is an added benefit of having the cultural background that I do. Maybe in time I will post a photo, but for now, the imagination is always a better thing to look forward to.

I have many attributes, on the top being a very sensitive and loving person. I have a lot to work on, but I am a far better human being than I was in my younger years.

I love to photograph, but wish I could paint. I love to work with my hands, but wish I could play the piano. All the wishes in the world, yet, I'm creative in my own realm.

I figure you are probably drooling at this point, making your hand move in a talking motion and suffering from an optic nerve sprain. *chuckling* I will write more later.

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